Friday, October 26, 2012

Do You Have What it Needs to Lead?

Many would say that some are born leaders, effected by genetics hormones while others may just think that leaders can be developed but I suppose that we all do agree that having the right leadership skills is absolute critical in order to achieve organization goals and missions.

Leadership is not just about telling people what to know or instructing people on how they should work but it is how one inspires their people to perform their best as well while giving them the opportunity for their mates to develop and learn.

You might not be surprise that a good leadership skills often require confidence and good skills in decision-making, but are you aware that there might be some others important criteria that we tends to neglect as we lead.

Lead by Example
The catch here is simple, if you expect something from the person that you are leading; you have to expect it from yourself as well. This shows that you carries a strong character and makes you a trustworthy leader. If you expect your teammates to arrive on time, then make yourself a good example or a role model for them and reach the office on time.

Learn from Mistakes
Those who never made any mistakes are those who had never try something new.
There are times when mistakes just happen and a good leader does not simply run away from their mistakes or put the blame on others but they are those who admit and learn from their mistake as well.
Be someone your teammates would respect by admitting mistakes, learn from mistakes and most importantly is never to repeat the same mistake ever again!

Know Your People Well
Knowing your team members well allows you to make the right decisions, delegate responsibilities, and choose the right person to execute your plan or projects. Leaders are someone who knows the strength and weakness of each of their mates while analyzing the potential of each member in order to make the fair and right decisions at the right time.

Stay Close to Your Team
Saying ‘’Hi’’ to every one of your members can mean so much to your mates who works for you. If you had not been in the office for a few days, call and see how your team are and this gives them an opportunity to raise up the issues the face.

Keep Cool at All Times
More often than not, hasty decisions are made when one panic. Being a leader means that you would have a lot of decision making to do and this will not help if you are an impatient leader. As a leader, you would need to keep your calm at all times no matter in any situation, circumstances and at any point of time.
There can be dozens of books on effective leadership technique and this shows that the value of good leadership is tremendously crucial in any organization. A good leader does not just create followers but they create more leaders. It is simply impossible to become a great leader without walking alongside with your teammates and understand the skills and strength of every teammate. So, do you have what it takes to become a leader?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Are You Happy at Work?

Ever since when we were a child, our parents and teachers would ponder us on what we would want to be when we grow up. Not only that, but we were also often being told to study hard, to go to colleges and universities to ensure that we would be able to score a good job and also a better salary payment. All this had indirectly showed us that career had played an important role in the society even since we were young.

Most of us have our dream job and there are those lucky ones who are living in their dreams and feeling happy every morning and looking forward to head to the office as soon as they can. However, there are also those who feel that their job is just another burden or responsibilities where they are force to bear for to sake of making a living.

 We spend almost half of our waking hours working, and now, it might be a time for us to pay a little extra attention on our level of jab satisfaction or in another words, do you actually enjoy or happy working?

Each individual has his or her own passion and interest and if your job is something related with your individual interest then you would probably love your job as well. For example, if you are someone who is into arts and craft, then working in a designing field would definitely matches your passion. Similarly, if you were someone who are good in arithmetic, then being an economist and accountant would be your best choice where you can perform your strength in arithmetic skills.

Doing what you love or what you do best acts as a self-motivation where you will find yourself feeling happy and satisfied with your job.

If you found yourself often lose track of time when you are working or working overtime more and more often, then you should be congratulating yourself by now because this indicates that you are working with enjoyment. You are very submerged into your work more than everything else that is around you.

Another reliable indicator of whether you are happy working at work can be known through your relationship with your colleagues. A good relationship with your colleague can make a big difference on your job satisfaction. Work can fussed you up but if the relationship between you and your colleagues are positive, they make your work more enjoyable and can always cheer you up when things at work goes wrong.

Your colleagues are also good listeners, as they understand most when it comes to your workload, responsibilities and what you face at work.

Lastly, is your job providing you a good salary for your survival? According to the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, shelter and foods ranks very high but obtain shelter and foods, one would need to have sufficient money first. Other than that, having sufficient money is also another form of security. If you feel that your monthly payment does not give you enough compensation for your energy, this would definitely get you unmotivated and you will feel more reluctant to perform job tasks efficiently.

If your responses towards the indicators stated above are negative, the chances are you are likely to feel unhappy or dissatisfied with your job and you might feel that your responsibilities at work is just another additional burden for you.

As cliché as this might sound, happiness is always a choice. You can choose to be happy at work. Yes, it is just that simple. Always try to see things in another perspective or stand in the shoes of your employer and instill the positive attitude when it comes to work. Lastly, always avoid spending time on gossips and negative people. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

How to Make Good First Impression During Job Interview

Scoring your dream job does not only rely on how many years of working experience you have or your level of education. Though these might be some of the factors, many candidates tends to make a mistake when it comes to an interview and lacking of preparation causes candidates to become clueless on what they would need to say and how should they respond to the questions asked by the interviewer. Many of the candidates had also neglected on their physical appearance and the way to carry themselves.

Although the saying might tell you that one should never judge a book by its cover but humans are naturally visual creatures which are easily attracted to visually attractive things. When it comes to interview, we only have one chance to make a good impression, why would there be reason of not making best the reason out of it with some handy tips below?  

Walk in with confidence
As mentioned earlier, first impression does play a crucial role when it comes to job interview. Why you might ask?

First impression creates biases and a person does judge on what they see at the first time they meet you. When you enter the interview room, your potential employer might already have gone through your resumes and cover letter and now it is your chance to proof to them on how good you are.

The way you speak, the way you walk into the interview room, and the way you sit will be observe and this directly reflects your confidence. If you slouch when you sit during the interview, you might be delivering a message that you does not care about the interview or you are bored.

Thus, you might to pay special attention to small details like to give firm handshakes and to smile when you greet the interviewer. Details like this would be taken into account when the interviewer does the final evaluation on the candidates.

The money issues
Many had made a mistake to drag in the money issues too early during the interview process. For some candidates, money and other remuneration might be their focus during a job interview but it is important for you to show interest in the company instead of the financial side of things.

It would always be a wise decision for this issue to bring up during the end of the interview session or even better if your employer is the one who brings up this issue.

Show positive attitude
Would you rather be hiring someone who is lack of the initiative to excel instead of someone who is an enthusiastic and positive person?

Employers prefer to bring in positive values into the work force, so portraying positive attitude such as being polite, and to seem interested in the job would mean a big deal to the employer during the interview and this is why we mentioned that a good impression is important in the early of this topic.

Dress appropriately
Are you aware on how important advertising is towards a product? Well, that goes the same with you during an interview. You are the product to be sold during the interview so be sure to get yourself well groomed and clean. Nothing can go wrong with a fitted suit and pressed pants for male candidates while women would look professional with a simple formal dress with minimum accessories.

During the interview, you might want your employer to concentrate on you and not your bright blue hair streaks. Make sure that you overall appearance are appropriate shows your employer that you are taking the interview seriously and ready to talk business.

As a conclusion, there are three crucial points to be remembered during an interview which is to be prepared, be professional and good interpersonal skills. More often than not, candidates are chosen not mainly on their qualifications but it is the overall impression which they left behind.