Monday, July 30, 2012

What you should do when your boss is making you angry?

This might not be the first time your boss is driving you crazy; you think it is the time for you to move on to another job. It is a sad fact that the market nowadays is not very much helpful as companies big and small are doing some downsizing due to the market recession. This result to just stick to our current job and accept it as it is. 

Many would have issues or even arguments with your bosses. Below are some ideas on how to handle when the situation between you and your boss becomes hot. 

Keep calm 

Take a deep breath and go for a short walk nearby the office area or take short holidays to ensure that you have gotten over the emotional upset. There is no use to continue a conversation when you are angry, as it would make the problem worse and more often than not fighting anger with anger bring no solution. 

Analyzing the situation

Once you have calm down and a clear mind, you can then think of the real cause of the problem. Sometimes, throwing all your problem to your boss can be for too convenient. Are you taking long hours of lunch break frequently, or are the deadlines for the projects are truly unreasonable? Determine whether does the problem lies on you or your boss by trying to evaluate the situation at your boss’s perspective as well. 

Speak to your friends 

Speaking to your friends on your problem allows you to get advises and opinion from a person who are not involve in the issues is a good option. If you have friends, who had gone through the same situation as you do might give you a tip or two on how to deal with the problem. 


Request your boss to schedule a meeting about the problem. If your boss accepted your request then this is the best way to clear out the smoke in the air but if he refuses, you can always let yourself know that you have tried to make the situation better. 

Speak to your peers 

Nobody knows your boss as much as your colleagues do and others who have worked in the company for years. Speak to them about your problems because they might give some strategies or tips which you can utilized in dealing with your boss but if your peers are more than surprised by your story, then you might need to go back to step 2. 

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