Monday, July 23, 2012

Stress at Work and How to Deal with it?

Feeling pressured and stressful on your current job is what employees would experience everyday but do you know that excessive stress are harmful physically and mentally. You might be stressful over your excessive workloads, or maybe it is due to the unclear tasks or responsibilities assigned and you do not have any control over your work environment but this does not mean you are powerless in managing your own stress. Although, it is impossible to escape from work pressure but you can always find the correct way to manage it.

Recognize the warning signs
An early detection brings an early solution. Recognize the early symptoms of stress such as fatigue, anxious, loss of appetite, insomnia, and constantly depressed. When this signs occurs, the cause of pressure is still in early stages and it would be possible for the problem to be solute quickly before it becomes a long-term pressure.

Work life balance
Emotions are contagious. When you feel unhappy or stressed, it would affect the emotions of other people near you. Leave all your work stress in the office and enjoy spending time with your family or friends. Spend more time with happy people and go for dinner or movies with them. Their happy vibes may just affect you.

Exercise more
Not only exercising is good for the body but also it is also good for the brain in coping with stress. Doing simple exercise like taking walk in the park, taking slow bike ride, or jogging sends out endorphins (happy hormones) which could make you feel good about yourself after all that sweating. The sound of nature such as the chirping of birds or enjoying the wind brushing against your face helps in relaxing the brain.

Keep your working environment clean
You have bits of paper flying around; files and folders are piling up on your working desk, and sticky notes are all stick all around your room. A cluttered workstation will only bring a cluttered mind. External reasons could be one of the reasons of increased stress. Invest in some tray dividers to make your documents organized and some green plants for a relaxing work place.

No procrastinating
Practice good time management and managing your time effectively is the essential. Works piles up as you delay your tasks. Completing one task before proceeding to the next tasks is a good tip to avoid abandoned tasks. Other than that, always try to make it a habit to complete tasks before deadline so you have enough time to check for error.

Take short breaks
Sitting and facing your computer for more than 8 hours daily sometime causes mental block. Many make the mistake to forget about taking short breaks when under working under pressure but taking a 5 minutes of ‘’off time’’ to do simple stretching or walking prevents tired muscle and calm the mind. Going for a short walk to lunch also allows you to take your mind off work.

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