One spent at least 40 hours in the office in a week and this would mean that you spend more time with your colleagues or co-workers as compared with your family. You interact, communicate, and work together as a team with your colleagues almost daily thus; building a good relationship with them would be a good investment towards you and your career’s well-being.
The first key in building a healthy relationship among your colleagues is to respect like how you would want them to respect you. Understand the background of your colleagues and their likes and dislikes while at the same time you are to respect and compromise the difference among the both of you. If one of your colleagues prefers to work without any disturbance, try to minimize the volume of the music or try not to chit-chat with other colleagues loudly.
Spending time with positive people will make you become contagious with their positive vibes. Individuals would always prefer to be around with positive people so always bear in mind to think positive and act positive. Start by simple steps like saying something nice to your colleague and refuse to say anything that is negative. This way, your colleague will enjoy spending time with you while you can increase your interpersonal skill as well.
It is very crucial to support each another at work especially if you are working together as a team or in the same department. When your colleagues face a hard day whether it might be due to their work or family problem, try your best to be supportive by lending a hand to help or being there for them to share their problems.
Do not thank everything for granted. Show appreciation if your colleague had done you a good help in the recent project or in any other tasks. This might be simply but it is amazing how a thank you note can enhance the relationship between you and your colleague.
Always practice good office etiquette and stay out of any office politics. Spreading gossip around the office is a big no no and it doesn’t matter if it is a true information or it is a gossip that is untrue but the last thing that you would want to do is to ruined the trust cultivated between you and your colleague.
With technologies such as emails, text messages, and intercom calls, we tend to neglect to forget that we are using it far too often in the sack of saving time. Face to face communication would always be the essential if you would like to build strong relationship with your colleagues, or better yet, grab a change to go for short coffee break together. This way, your colleague will find you approachable and find you easy to communicate.
Nothing can be easier than to be friendly among your colleagues like inviting for weekend activities for a game of tennis or for an hour or two of happy hours does not only help you to unwind the stress at work but this also builds a strong positive relationship among your colleague. Nothing can drive one crazy than to think about work after their working hours so do keep the rules in mind that you can chat about always everything except work.
Building a good relationship and rapport with you colleague in the workplace is important for you to build your career as well as to find the satisfaction in your current job. So which tips would you use to start building that perfect relationship with your colleagues?
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