Monday, July 30, 2012

What you should do when your boss is making you angry?

This might not be the first time your boss is driving you crazy; you think it is the time for you to move on to another job. It is a sad fact that the market nowadays is not very much helpful as companies big and small are doing some downsizing due to the market recession. This result to just stick to our current job and accept it as it is. 

Many would have issues or even arguments with your bosses. Below are some ideas on how to handle when the situation between you and your boss becomes hot. 

Keep calm 

Take a deep breath and go for a short walk nearby the office area or take short holidays to ensure that you have gotten over the emotional upset. There is no use to continue a conversation when you are angry, as it would make the problem worse and more often than not fighting anger with anger bring no solution. 

Analyzing the situation

Once you have calm down and a clear mind, you can then think of the real cause of the problem. Sometimes, throwing all your problem to your boss can be for too convenient. Are you taking long hours of lunch break frequently, or are the deadlines for the projects are truly unreasonable? Determine whether does the problem lies on you or your boss by trying to evaluate the situation at your boss’s perspective as well. 

Speak to your friends 

Speaking to your friends on your problem allows you to get advises and opinion from a person who are not involve in the issues is a good option. If you have friends, who had gone through the same situation as you do might give you a tip or two on how to deal with the problem. 


Request your boss to schedule a meeting about the problem. If your boss accepted your request then this is the best way to clear out the smoke in the air but if he refuses, you can always let yourself know that you have tried to make the situation better. 

Speak to your peers 

Nobody knows your boss as much as your colleagues do and others who have worked in the company for years. Speak to them about your problems because they might give some strategies or tips which you can utilized in dealing with your boss but if your peers are more than surprised by your story, then you might need to go back to step 2. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Stress at Work and How to Deal with it?

Feeling pressured and stressful on your current job is what employees would experience everyday but do you know that excessive stress are harmful physically and mentally. You might be stressful over your excessive workloads, or maybe it is due to the unclear tasks or responsibilities assigned and you do not have any control over your work environment but this does not mean you are powerless in managing your own stress. Although, it is impossible to escape from work pressure but you can always find the correct way to manage it.

Recognize the warning signs
An early detection brings an early solution. Recognize the early symptoms of stress such as fatigue, anxious, loss of appetite, insomnia, and constantly depressed. When this signs occurs, the cause of pressure is still in early stages and it would be possible for the problem to be solute quickly before it becomes a long-term pressure.

Work life balance
Emotions are contagious. When you feel unhappy or stressed, it would affect the emotions of other people near you. Leave all your work stress in the office and enjoy spending time with your family or friends. Spend more time with happy people and go for dinner or movies with them. Their happy vibes may just affect you.

Exercise more
Not only exercising is good for the body but also it is also good for the brain in coping with stress. Doing simple exercise like taking walk in the park, taking slow bike ride, or jogging sends out endorphins (happy hormones) which could make you feel good about yourself after all that sweating. The sound of nature such as the chirping of birds or enjoying the wind brushing against your face helps in relaxing the brain.

Keep your working environment clean
You have bits of paper flying around; files and folders are piling up on your working desk, and sticky notes are all stick all around your room. A cluttered workstation will only bring a cluttered mind. External reasons could be one of the reasons of increased stress. Invest in some tray dividers to make your documents organized and some green plants for a relaxing work place.

No procrastinating
Practice good time management and managing your time effectively is the essential. Works piles up as you delay your tasks. Completing one task before proceeding to the next tasks is a good tip to avoid abandoned tasks. Other than that, always try to make it a habit to complete tasks before deadline so you have enough time to check for error.

Take short breaks
Sitting and facing your computer for more than 8 hours daily sometime causes mental block. Many make the mistake to forget about taking short breaks when under working under pressure but taking a 5 minutes of ‘’off time’’ to do simple stretching or walking prevents tired muscle and calm the mind. Going for a short walk to lunch also allows you to take your mind off work.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Simple Ways To Success

We live so much on the present. We think of the things we want to do every day. Most of us are living in blissful ignorance. You have parties for every after-exam-celebration and you start weeping tears when you don’t get a good result in your exam. If you want to live meaningfully, we must be able to live every moment of lives. There are some core values we must instill in our everyday life. 

Learn something new when it’s a brand new day. It doesn’t matter what you have learnt, as long as it is new. As much as you are willing to learn, you are motivated to move forward to a higher level. If you don’t keep going forward, you will either be left behind when the whole world is growing rapidly or you are just being ignorant by staying on the same spot with no improvement. If you got no new skills to pick up, you can always learn a new vocabulary. It is just a simple act you do for yourselves but it will make you a wiser person. In Malaysia, reading is definitely not a common hobby. People just need to start somewhere to increase their wisdom. Do something so you have a “new” day every day. 

The next core value is courage. You aren’t born with courage but you develop it as you grow. Without courage you barely can achieve anything in your life. It takes courage to pay respect, it takes courage to take risks, and it takes courage to confess. If you are conscious of the right things to do, you will have the courage to step outside your comfort zone to achieve something new. Knowing it will lead us to the right path, we must have the courage. Be clear that, “failure is not fatal, success is not final” Winston Churchill once said. 

You set your goals and reflect them every day. Have you ever tried working extremely hard but it didn’t bring you to anywhere worthwhile? Goal setting is the starting key of every success. You must have a destination in every journey. So there is a starting point and you walk towards the ending point. That is the whole point of goal-setting. Your goals must be achievable and be precise of what you want to achieve during the whole process of doing it. At the end of the day or after every event, you probably want to do some reflections so that nothing leads you astray. Self-awareness is essential to ensure your journey is smooth. We don’t just focus on our strengths but weaknesses. We must recognize our flaws as we reflect. We are responsible of our flaws; hence it’s our responsibility to acknowledge them. I believe if you can have a little responsibility of yourself, you can improve your relationships in your workplace and with your family. 

The quality of being integrity locks you to all the core values in life. After years of understanding, I realize that integrity is the foundation of character. In our teens, the desire of acceptance has clearly destructed all the values and the lost of integrity. We are not mindful of what we are doing. To achieve any goals in our life, whether it is for a better relationship or being successful in your career, we must always be firm of our ethical foundation. You know exactly what the right values, being able to hold on them and embrace on your righteous mind is the highest level of integrity. The trust the people have on their leaders is based on integrity. Would you want to follow your leader if he or she isn’t sincere to all the followers? If you have the highest sincerity, you don’t have to increase your reputation in your society but the people around you will make you well-known. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Time For A Vacation After Working Pressure!

Talking about how to spend your summer, most families or couples would choose to go for a summer vacation. The things that come across your mind about summer are more likely sun, beaches and sand. Most of the families will head down to a beautiful beach for a summer vacation. There are plenty of beaches you could visit for summer. However, you must consider a number of factors when choosing your vacation destination. Who are you going with? How much is your budget? These are some important factors which will influence your choice before you have even made a decision to where you would want to go to spend your summer.

Of all the beaches across the world, we can categorize them according to their locations. Some of the many categories I could list down are the Asia, the Europe, Pacific beaches, Caribbean beaches, Atlantic Ocean beaches, and Indian Ocean. These are the world top beaches you would love to visit in your lifetime. 

If you are in Asia, for this summer holiday, you can visit all the countries nearby like Philippines, Bali, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and India. Philippines is better known as the “the Pearl of the Orient”. There are plenty of mountains, caves, rivers, lakes in the Philippines. You might aware of all the political crises are constantly troubling the capital, Manila yet you can find low-cost travel in Philippines. The Hundred Islands National park, Pangasinan is 250kms away from Manila. You can relax yourself in refreshing views once you are in Alaminos town. There are 3 islands which are more filled with tourists, Children’s, Govenor’s and Quezon. All these islands could be reached in 25-45 minutes boat ride. Don’t be surprised that they are actually more islands in the Hundred Islands, they are isolated and irresistibly beautiful. White sandy beaches integrated with pine trees and coconut palms, surrounded with tropical forests. You couldn’t ask for more in the most budget vacation.

Most of the beaches are located at the southern Bali of Indonesia. Kuta is one of the many beaches in southern Bali. It is discovered by the tourists and the surfers from Australia. Kuta is the famous spot for surfing and surfing courses are available too. Aside the ample space for sunbathing, it’s a place meant for hard-core party people. It’s particularly packed during the peak season. Kuta has a variety of cuisines served in either a bar or restaurant, mostly open from 10.00 till midnight and some even operate 24hours, so choose a best hang out place to chill with your partner or best friends.

If you are planning to visit Malaysia, the best beach resorts are not located in the city; you need a tranquil scene to make your holiday in a beach resort more relaxing. During summer, I can assure you in Malaysia you would get to have the best also inviting tropical conditions. Among all the beaches, Langkawi Island, Redang Island and Tioman Island are the favorites of foreign tourists. Pasir Tengkorak (Sandy Skull) is a public beach at the southern of Langkawi Island. It is indeed a relaxing beach for family trip. It is a secluded beach if you were to compare to other beaches in the island. On the south side of the beach, you could see some interesting rock formations. Along the beach, there are shady trees for picnic and camping. Before you get attacked by the monkeys around you, just be aware in case you have food in your hand, you don’t want food to be snatched by the nasty monkeys. Down the southeast mainland, Tioman Island is one of the unspoilt islands in Malaysia. If you don’t enjoy the hot scorching sun but you love to explore the underwater, this is a good summer vacation for you. Snorkeling is the best sport activity as the coral reefs lie offshore in crystal clear water. Though the accommodation is a bit pricey, you can still book a budget hotel at Kampung Tekek.

It’s best to plan your summer vacation in advance as most of the renowned beach resorts will be fully booked on peak season. Summer is the warmest of all the four seasons. Head down to the beach to watch the surfers catch the wave, or just enjoy under the hot sun with the splashing waves on the shore would certainly give you a relaxing effect. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Positive Thinking

You probably have heard it a lot of times where your friend says “think positively and everything will be fine”. This is the most common line to cheer someone who is down or upset. However, that line sounds like you only think positively when you are unhappy. That is too late to late to turn the situation when things have already damaged. Positive thinking is something we practice daily to let things work smoothly and things will just turn out as how we expected. The reason why we must practice positive thinking is simple, according to Mr. Wallace D Wattles, the author of The Secret Law of Attraction, like attracts like. 

Our thoughts system will easily influence how we behave and we react to everything in our daily life. Positive cognitive patterns in our belief system will determine our success and failure. Success or failure is optional. If we chose to think negatively therefore we react negatively during the process of the event. The foundation of positive conditioning has always been there but not all of use it wisely.

Everyone has a unique talent and capability. We must clearly know what our innate skill is and we must try to master our talent. We believe to be the happiest when we are doing what we good at and we are able to show the best performance. Thus, this is one way we allow ourselves to stay positive. The ultimate goal is to allow yourself to perform beyond your limitation and maximize your potential.

Whenever there is a change we accept it positively. It is inevitable we meet changes every day but of all the changes that occur in your life, how many times did you embrace it with an opened mind? Changes occur for a reason. Something needs to be changed so we can achieve higher. Take your time to accept all the changes; it will be a reward if you could embrace it mindfully. It will only be a positive change if you have an open attitude toward the change.

Persistence is a key factor to success. You must be persistent in order to reach your final goal. Changes can be made in between the process of achieving your goal but you are not allowed to give up if your goal has not achieved. Most of the people would lose interest if they could not produce the result they desired. As long as you are still living, there are still abundant of opportunities awaiting you, changes can be made at any stage but we must embrace every change with an open mind. IF YOU FAIL, EMBRACE THE CHANGE WITH AN OPEN HEART.

We must understand that our mind always has a tendency to focus on the negative cognitive patterns. This is normal because your mind is still not used to the positive cognitive patterns. Mind can be trained and we need to train our mind constantly to form positive cognitive patterns. From time to time, your mind will try to divert your attention o something else which will eventually slow down your progression of completing a task. Meditation is good way to practice to enable us to eliminate our negative thoughts. When we are practicing meditation, we will try to free our mind and do not allow any thought to distract us, neither the pleasant thoughts nor the unpleasant ones. After some time, we must be able to take control of our inner state; we let the negative thoughts pass away without controlling us. Any thoughts that divert our attention in achieving our goal are considered unpleasant thoughts. Practice makes perfect, meditation is a good practice and achieve a higher focus level.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Benefits of Being a Young Entrepreneur

If you keep telling yourself it is not the time yet, there is no such thing as ‘this is the time’ to start a business. Learn as much as you can while you are still young. Most of the time people keep telling themselves; the conditions do not allow me to do this and that. If we are not firm to ourselves and keep giving excuses, we can never reach the destiny. We create the condition for ourselves, thus there is no reason to say the conditions are not right yet. I can tell you a million of reasons to start a business while you are young but if you don’t have the courage to do it, you will still stand on the same ground. 

Most of the young adults have more free time; they have ample of time to spend with their friends every day and night. If they could spend so much time for leisure, it is even better to invest the time to make a little more income. Once you get older, when you are already setting up a family, you probably have less freedom and flexibility to work on your own. You are tight to family commitment; there are times you need to be at home physically for the children. If you need to juggle between work, family and other activities, the chances for you to be there for your business will be lesser. 

It’s undoubtedly to say you won’t be as wild as when you are 20 as you age. When you are young, you have the courage to try everything which is new for you. When you are at the age of 30, you start thinking is this the right choice and what are the consequences? Your narrow minded attitude when you are at your 30-ish is stopping you from exploring more at your business. Taking risk is part of life. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If you have the idea or the urge to start something new, do it as much as you can while you are still young. The catalyst of innovation is creativity. You probably have lost your sense of creativity and curiosity when you are entering your adulthood. Creativity is the most powerful tool in young adults which helps them in generating ideas which others might think it’s insanely impossible to be achieved. We need to have the ‘big idea’ to compete with the markets. If you could come out with a green technology for the current society, you can be the next billionaire easily. 

When you see the young people, they actually have more hustle than the middle aged adults. We have to move fast to overtake people. We don’t want to be left behind. The young adults certainly have the attitude of hustling. We must be moving at a fast pace with the great idea then anyone else. While we are young, we are still energetic, we think fast, make quick decision, and that is how we keep things going. Since you have to start it somewhere, why don’t you start it earlier? Young entrepreneurs have more admirers than their seniors and the reason being is they are more aggressive to try all new things. They move faster. They are so motivated to start a new thing. 

Young entrepreneurs are naïve. Although lacking experience on the field you are doing is absolutely bad, it’s an utterly different case when it comes to business. The more experienced adults often have developed a mindset of doing things. Most of the time, they are following what others are doing, they are not breaking the rules. Whereas if you have no experience at all, you are so keen to do what’s in your mind, that is the only way to lead you to reach your ridiculous goals. The more innocent you are, the more likely you will generate and produce innovative ideas. 

Being young always gives you a bonus advantage; you know what the youth desires. In fact, the social networks you are using now are created by young entrepreneurs. If you have the mindset of a billionaire, start it while you are young. Don’t give in nor give up in any circumstances.